White Ward
White Ward from Одесса, Ukraine cycle from smoky neo-jazz saxophone ambience to hypnotic contemporary Black Metal aggression. Following an avalanche of positivity towards the ‘deviant black metal noir’ of 2017 debut Futility Report, presented second full-length „Love Exchange Failure“, the next step of their rapid evolution into an increasingly unique musical force.The band channel Bohren, Badalamenti and contemporary blackened majesty into an eclectic set of visionary hymns that fuse late-night metropolitan contemplation, psychological horror, intoxicating melodicism and primeval, animal-state ferocity.
This year they released a special 2 track 10″ vinyl/CD/digital release called „Debemur Morti“ to commemorate 18 years of hard work and dedicated passion for the Dark Arts by theri label Debemur Morti Productions.
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Hæresis from Berlin play atmospheric Black Metal in the vein of cascadian acts as Wolves In the Throne Room and Ash Borer.
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2G: Zutritt nur für Geimpfte und Genesene, das gilt auch für unter 18 Jährige. Zutritt auch für Personen, die sich nicht impfen lassen können, hier benötigen wir ein ärztliches Attest und einen negativen Antigen-Test. Die Masken- und Abstandspflicht entfällt. Volle Besucher-Kapazität.