Humulus & Below A Silent Sky
Humulus sind zurück – mit neuem Sänger und die neue Platte ist auch grad in der Mache. Wir sind gespannt.
Humulus is a Psych-Stoner trio from Brescia/Bergamo (Italy), formed in 2009. Their frst self titled album was released by Go Down Records in december 2012. In 2014 another great project sees the light: beer! Humulus produce their eponymous black stoner IPA, brewed in collaboration with ELAV Indipendent Brewery. In 2015, after a line-up change, Humulus are ready to write new songs. A 3 songs EP called „Electric Walrus EP“ sees the light in october 2015. The new Ep shows the new attitude of the band:
more psychedelic and more dynamic than before. 2016 is full of live gigs, and new songs are written and played on big and small stages.
The new LP “Reverently Heading Into Nowhere”, more psychedelic and heavier than ever, was out in Spring 2017. For more or less 3 years Humulus had a lot of gigs and tour in Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and Spain including festivals like Freak Valley Festival, Up In Smoke, Duna Jam, Dome of Rock,
Tabernas and many more. In summer 2019 the band announced the release of the new LP „The Deep“ for february 2020, released by the german label Kozmik Artifactz. After some gigs between 2020 and 2022, Andrea quit the band and the new singer and guitarist Thomas Mascheroni joined Humulus before the end of 2022. A new LP was released in September 2023.
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Support: Below A Silent Sky
Die Musik von Below A Silent Sky ist massiv, roh und organisch, stets mit einer bittersüßen Note. Verstörende Monotonie, Dissonanzen und Zerstörungsriffs lösen sich auf in psychedelischen Klängen, komplexen Harmonien und Melodien mit Western-Attitüde. Die Kompositionen sind abwechslungsreich und erzählerisch. Es gibt keine klassischen Strukturen, sondern jedes Stück entwickelt sich permanent
Die Band reißt Abgründe auf und kurz vor dem Aufschlag sorgen die erlösenden Melodien für neue Energie, noch tiefer in diese intensive Klanglandschaft vorzudringen.
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